Friday, September 28, 2007

Firefly - Bushwhacked

You know, if you're not watching Firefly -- IT'S TOO LATE! GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE!

This is the firefly ep I tend to forget. Don't know why. It's funny, I always remember the first shot of the show and the last. I always forget some real highlights of the ep. Mal is obviously a big part of this one. Reavers and the war always put him in a good spot. (Wouldn't THAT make a good movie?) We get more exposition here. not all of which is in TUAP. More on Inara. Zoe and Wash. Plus they do recap a bit from the pilot.

This shows off one of Mal's big weaknesses. "I will argue with you for way longer than it takes to explain because no one questions my authority!" Good character flaw. Dumb plot point. (Don't worry. It gets WAY dumber.)

The interviews with the Alliance rock. (And there are some great outtakes with Alan Tudyk too.) "We're private people." "Her legs!" Heh.

I don't think any space shot looked cooler w/o sound than the transport ship 'sploding.

Some AWESOME Book stuff this ep. Sure we all wanted to know who he REALLY was, but I would have missed this book. Very kind. A little meddling. Right a lot. Mal's conscience. (A useful one that can be part of a lot more stories than Inara. I'm still skeptical that Inara would ever have had anything to do other than create unbelievable romantic tension.)

Did you notice how much NOTHING Inara has to do? Ok, she has a nice moment with Simon at the beginning and then later with Mal. "Just when I think I have you figured out." Then Mal promptly proves her wrong. (Or right.) Heh.

Of course I'm not sure as to how well these reavers match the movie reavers.

I think this is the scariest episode that got made. There's a very dark feeling of dread and unknown. They were putting a lot of work into setting up the reavers. Of course this is a Tim Minear ep. I think he had some gifts that joss lacked from time to time.

We start to get a lot more River here. And we start to get that she's special.

Simon rocks, as usual. 'Specially when Jayne is torturing him.

Speaking of which, it's impressive how totally Adam B lives in Jayne. The ballgame, making fun of Simon.

"Piece of JUNK?!?" Wouldn't you just love to see Kaylee and Scotty get really plastered?

As much as they try to do space 'right' they always miss that space is BIG and that there isn't geography to hide behind or fly around.

Another moment that serves double purpose either as a reprise or an introduction is when Greg Edmunson plays the reaver drums. Again, I saw this first and it works fine. So there. I say again, they didn't kill the show by moving THREE episodes.

The ballgame is mission statement type stuff. Life in The Black. No holodecks here.

"May have been on the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

See y'all next week for Our Mrs. Reynolds!

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