Monday, March 26, 2007

BSG - Crossroads pt. 2

Well. I mean... Um...

Yes, there was much cheering at the Tallguy household. You knew that. My Kid Brother IMed me at some unlivable hour to indicate he was was not happy about Jimi Hendrix... IN SPACE.

I thought the trial was perfect. I think Wild Bill said it back in s2 - "Nobody gets a free pass" (or words to that affect - I'm not looking it up). And by the looks of it, GB isn't going to. "Your new life," the creepy people said, leading him off to... GB has to be thinking "What, another one?"

Lee. Ahhhhh, Lee. I hope you continue to get to have good shows now that -- ah, but more on that later. He was wonderful. He made me cheer. He argued (passionately) for the wrong man for all of the right reasons. And he convinced the Old Man. "Forgiven." Wow. (SWIMW doesn't care, because-- ah, but more on that later.)

Felix! Felix you sneaky, lying, conniving. MAN was he enjoying that. He didn't care if it worked or not. This was catharsis for him. This was demon purging, pure and simple. No, not even that. Felix looks like he thinks he's damned anyway, so he can say or do anything to put GB to rights. Wow.

AD-not-A is being used rather sparingly, don't you think? After walking out on Lee last week? How will she react to-- ah, but more on that later.

The Cylons. First of all, four not five. I won't leap to conclusions as to the fifth. They have to hold that card. Second, seems a little too pat. I'm not quite buying that it means what we're supposed to think it means. And if it does, does that mean that baby Tyrol is as special as Hera?

BUT. EyeTigh got to make that SPEECH. Oh my gosh. Between that and Lee, that sums up the show at its best. And then everyone mans their posts. Even Lee.

We're on the road to Earth. So say we all.

Starring Katee Sackoff as Starbuck. Well, you have to admit they gave us fanboys a good run, don't you? As soon as the unknown DRADIS blip winked out, I knew it was either Lee being taken to Kara, or it was Kara. I know it's only been two weeks, but oh we missed her. With the blown out over-white looking viper, I'm still thinking the white ships from the 1978 BSG.

Minor nit - So, we're launching everything we have, and someone takes a viper MK II and leaves MISTER Adama a MK VII? Ah well, it was good to see him marching off to the fight.

Other minor nit - in all the CiC LAURA is the first to notice DRADIS contacts? Guess Felix and Duala have had a rough week.

MAJOR nit - Two Thousand Fraking EIGHT! No scotch for you, RDM! Get back to work!

Bring it on. Ah, I still love this show.


Rive Caedo said...

*swings back by*

I was right! I was finally right!

Right after the episode last week I said "Yep, ok, everyone hearing the music is a Cylon"


The only one I'm having trouble accepting as one of the big "special" Final Five is Anders, he's just too completely random. Pyramid player that almost died in the attacks? Hm...

Ah well, at least now Hera and Nicholas can hook up and have a quarter-Cylon kid down the line.


Well, on the up side, they'll be releasing 2 special episodes in the fall (released on DVD the next day). Return of the Battlestar Pegasus and Admiral Cain - presented in flashback form, but whatever!

sthomas said...

I was going to call you, but did not know if you watch the show live anymore. I know I don't. In fact I am normally a week behind, but last night I watched it pseudo live (dvr a few minutes after the start to FF through commercials).

The trial was great. Lee was awesome. GB left to rot in his victory - priceless. The rest of the epsiode was weak (except the EyeTigh speech). Jimi Hendrix?! "I've been to Earth and I'm going to take us there."? 2008?! I think they are all getting fitted for a set of swim trunks and a leather jacket. BSG is gettting ready to Jump the Shark!

Remember when the original BSG came to Earth?

Okay, I will calm down now. Maybe, just maybe they will take this long break to think of some new ideas. I guess I need to go back and watch the first two seasons, because this season has been a big tease. There have been great moments with great acting and tidbits of story, but the main plot line for the season has just been a build up to the last 15 minutes which I hated!

I guess if I can remember to care about BSG in 2008, I will see what they say happened to Starbuck. Why couldn't she just die? Sorry.