Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Story So Far

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For those of you that don't know AND care, the Sci-Fi Chanell has posted "Battestar Galactica: The Story So Far". It's a 44 minute re-cap of the first two seasons narrated by Laura Roslin. If you haven't seen the show and don't care about spoilers (since that's what this is FOR) it's a good intro. It's not quite how I would have done it, but now I don't have to. I think that they skip over some important bits. They boil the show down to the really plotty episodes but I think they miss some big points even out of those. BIIIIIG plot points. Laura's cancer is one of the smaller ones. They also play with the chronology a bit, which works (The Lighter is shown during the initial Cylon attack).

Anyway, if'n you want, go look at it. Available (free) on iTunes and elsewhere. Friday week the pain and suffering, er, the show starts up again.

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