Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cheap at twice the price

Hey! It's Monday! Only it's Wednesday!

Ken Lay is dead. Discovery has not rained down on our heads.

The headlines about North Korea's missile launch have followed an interesting progression: U.S. Chides Reclusive Regime. (You're silly and your missile didn't really work, did it? Oh, that's a bit pro-U.S. isn't it?) N. Korea DEFIANT On Missile Launch. (Plucky little nation stands up to Big Bad. Nyahh Nyahh Nyahh. Ahhh, better.) N. Korea Draws World's (THE WORLD!) Scorn. (Ahhhh, it's INTERNATIONAL. So I guess it's ok to say bad stuff now.) Sure, NK seems to trying to aim nukes at us. But if I was one of the countries in between here and there, I might be a tad tetchy. (And probably blame the U.S. anyway.) Y'know, if N. Korea was a country the U.S. hadn't been militarily involved with, the World (or at least the NYT) would be SCREAMING for SOMEONE (US) to DO something to RESCUE it's population. Or they'd order another latte. I don't know. (Mmmmm, latte.)

Saw Superman Returns at the Cine Capri. Ahhhh. Even better the second go round. Oh, and the scrabble board said Zoo, not Zod. Ah well.

And we watched National Treasure. This is almost my new Rocketeer. If you haven't seen it, do so. But you won't. Until you do years from now and then you'll say to me "Hey, that movie was really good!" Like you did when I made you see The Dish. And you'll say "Well I didn't know!" 'Cause all the movies I recomend are like Ishtar. (Has anyone really seen Ishtar? Or do they just talk about it? Ok, Bob's seen Istar, but Bod watched Driven. We've tried getting him help, really.) Uh huh. Just remember.

!!! And it looks like they are in pre-production for NT2! Whoooooo! (See? I'll fall for it every bloody time.)

Hey, I wrote more than Lileks today. And I'm not bald.


koly said...

Yes, I did see Driven. On DVD. I did not eject. I made it through the whole thing. I am also one of the few who saw Gigli. Get this - in the theater! Haha!

But National Treasure your next "Rocketeer?"!?! It was no Driven, I'll grant you that. But then I've always wondered about your Rocketeer fixation, too. Poor copies of Raiders of the Lost Ark do not mean they are Raiders of the Lost Ark, my friend. Even if they have Nazis and heroes in beat-up leather jackets.

Tallguy said...

waarthog: I told you to see The Dish. But due to the inequities of geography I think you saw it before me.

koly: The Rocketeer is not Raiders of the Lost Ark. (Not much is.) But it has AIRPLANES and ROCKETPACKS and HOWARD HUGHES and SWORDFIGHTS.

koly said...

Hmm - 4 out of 6 puts it right on the edge of wannabe territory (Airplanes, Swordfights, beat up leather jackets, and Nazis).


Tallguy said...

Oh, look! Bait!

(*whistles, walking away*)
