Thursday, May 22, 2008

BSG 408 - Faith


Still catching up. Everything is written (and watched) just not posted. But hey, American Idol was something, wasn't it? (And the writers of Bones and House will be receiving a bill from my therapist.)

THIS is the BSG that I love. It's not hard to follow at all, but it's sometimes harder to compartmentalize episode to episode. It's a much more "arc-y" show, rather than episodic. All to the good. End of the show. Full speed ahead.

Apparently they count Razor as the first two episodes of this season. So we only get twenty, not twenty-two. And they're talking a couple more movies. And Caprica.

BTW, um, SPOILERS. If you haven't seen the eps, this is not the place
to be looking. Go get the DVDs and then watch the season four eps on We'll wait.

Ok, the Four are from EARTH?!?? That's what it sounds like. And again that Starbuck is the Harbinger of Death. (Lovely title.)

THEY SHOT GAETA! As if his life didn't suck enough already. If they kill Felix I will be very put out. I swear, he's just going to start blowing things up.

Kara's paintings continue to be true. Wild thing, that. I think I'm becoming a Kara/Two shipper. Heh.

Anders wants to play with the basestar. Awesome. I do like how they've split up the Four. They're all dealing with different things in different ways. Tory's still crazy though.

Nice to see Athena is still on our side. She's doing better than iTigh. Or her husband.

The Cylons are still "How could you DO this to us? What did WE do?" Um. Baby. Neck. Then nuclear annihilation of twelve planets. And the occasional suicide bomber. Other than that? Not a thing. However, when Natalie Six shot the other Six in the head? Now I have hope for this alliance. RDM might be able to pull this off.

They killed a hybrid. That's so sad. But she seemed pretty happy about it. And Kara is appropriately freaked.

No Baltar. Only on the radio. Cool. (That they did the radio thing, not that he isn't in the ep.)

A CLOCK. Just because you have a countdown doesn't mean it's 33. Or You Can't Go Home Again. But this was great anyway. I especially liked that Helo was really going to leave. I may not hate him so much. Nah, I'm sure that's not true. Hey Karl, maybe when your wife is lost in the inky blackness with all of your friends you might think "Gee, maybe wiping out the toasters wasn't such a bad idea."

Interesting that Laura is all "metaphorical" these days. Arrow of Apollo doesn't mean so much anymore? That seemed pretty literal.

Oh! That was Nana Visitor! I thought there was something about her. Maybe if I'd actually watched Deep Space Nine.

BUT - looks like Laura's back on track to finding Earth. And, hey, THERE'S Wild Bill! Missed you, sir. Maybe Lee will be in the next ep.

Boom boom boom.

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