Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Arrrgh, Matey

In case ye be forgetting (I was a bit un-memoraful m'self) today be National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Arrrgh. (Grrrr.)

So I leave ye with this:

And the reflection that talkin' piratical is not too far twice removed from Joss-speak. At least the way Sparrow does it. Now avast ye scabrous dogs and hoist up the john bs sail, see how the mainsail sets, call for the captain ashore, let me go -- er... Arrrrrgh!

(What's a Pirate's favorite WWII movie? A Bridge Too Faaaaaarrrgh!)

1 comment:

sthomas said...

Checkout PVP's version of talk like a pirate day. Hee Hee. :)