Sunday, September 16, 2007

9/11 One Midnight Gone - Again

Another 9/11 past. Gotta be the weirdest national day. Maybe not. But it still gives me a jolt. I almost feel like it should not be allowed as a day. Like the 13th floor of days. "That should be here by 9/11" "That's due on 9.11." I'm almost offended. I hope the nextgen has (almost) no idea what I'm talking about. T know 12/7 in a rather abstract way. It should be like that.

If you were dropped into Feb '43 I wonder how long it would take before you could tell they were at war. If you traded places with someone, how long would it take them to tell we were at war?

Driving to work on 9/11 this week I passed under a bridge with a sign that said September 11th 2001 and a fella with a nice sized flag. I saluted, he waved.

Ten minutes later I passed a sign that said "LEARN THE TRUTH ABOUT 9.11!" Oddly that person did not wait with their sign.

Still living in The Future, I guess.

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