Friday, August 17, 2007

Serenity DVD Update

For those of you that just had to know...

Places to Buy
Amazon - $18.89
Best Buy* - $17.99
Circuit City - $19.99
Deep Discount - $19.81
DVD Planet - $18.86

Best Buy it is! And you get a comic book! (I don't know what comic book. But since I don't have any Firefly / Serenity comics, I should be alright.)


Kyrie Drake said...

Yep, Best Buy it is indeed. Apparently Target is not going to carry it. :( At least, not the Target Greatland out in this neck of the woods.

Good thing I'm off tomorrow, so not torrential rain or even floods will keep me from the Best Buy!

Unknown said...

*sigh* I just picked up a router from there yesterday and now I need to buy ~more~ stuff from Best Buy?

Oh well, maybe River can take a bit of time off from being the new Terminator to kill a few blue handed fellows in Serenity V: The Alliance Strikes Back. That is, after all, what I'm really paying for :P