Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Star Wars Haters

For some reason my sister-in-law thought I might relate to this. I'd say about 60% of it is true. The glaring error (taking it too seriously? What do you mean?!?) is that I love just about everything about Star Wars. Star Wars. 1977. Not "A New Hope" not "Episode IV". Star Wars. The one. The only. The Empire Strikes Back is awesome. Jedi has some great bits. I'll even cherry-pick some moments from The Phantom Menace (LIGHTSABERS and JEDI KNIGHTS). Oh, and Clone Wars was AWESOME start to finish. But Star Wars was the stuff. It was all of the Flash Gordon fun with the cinema genius of Lucas before he became "The Star Wars Guy". There's nothing wrong with it. So there.

(I didn't give this more thought than July 4th, I just wrote it after a lot more caffine. Go read this and this. This is good too.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I completely disagree with the article also.

"Disenchants Her Yen"
"Enhances Nerdy $#!*"

are MUCH better anagrams for Mr. Christensen :P