Friday, June 08, 2007

They're Still Toasters

She Who Is My Wife is a little bit of a U2 fan. (And I think Star Trek is kind of all right.)

So when U2 front man Bono shows up on the telly day yesterday blasting the nations at the G8 summit we both got very excited when he said that the only nation that has kept it's promise from two years ago was the United States of America and its leader George Bush. So I thought "Hey, cool, I'll blog on that." I'm writing this as I scour the net for the video we saw. (I have strong suspicions now I won't find it - you'll see). I'm now searching the news and trying to find out about how BONO of all people said something nice about Chimpy McHitler himself. I'm finding NOTHING. ANYWHERE. I start to think that I misheard. Didn't really see it. Until I find this:

They make a big deal about how he takes off his glasses. Right? Well, the WHOLE interview we saw, he had his glasses off. In this clip, right after hey says "THEY are not keeping their promise", right when he's about to start talking about the U.S. they FADE OUT. And they rest of the clip he has his glasses ON. Now I find this. It's linked to the CNN video. But look at this comment: "Hmmm, of the world leaders, Bono says "Bush has delivered more than he promised," and hopes Bush can persuade his fellow leaders to do more." This is nowhere in the video. So the video changed. Way to go CNN.

Further research - found this. In case it changes, here's the meat: "The activists are hopeful they can change enough minds by Friday – in part because they believe Bush has delivered more than he promised and may be able to bring others along. "Europeans say America doesn't care. It's a continent that's really an island. But they're wrong," said Bono." Not a direct quote, but close enough to what I remembered and what the other blogger commented on. Liberal news bias? Naaaahhhh.

Obviously, anyone who can find more, give me a heads up.

EDIT: SWIMW found this for me, good little Bono fan that she is. " be fair to the situation, the United States underpromised and has overdelivered; Italy overpromised and is really underdelivering."

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