Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb!

No, it's not Beethoven.

"Study: California has worst traffic in U.S." I'm not linking to this. I'm not even reading it. We knew this. I mean really knew it. How much money did this study cost, I wonder? If they had found out that IOWA has the worst traffic in the U.S., THAT would be a story!

Now if someone comes back and tells me "You know, if you had read the story..." and says it's not what I think, then I'm STILL mad. This means the headline is deliberately misleading and inaccurate. And this is about TRAFFIC. (I was going to say, "Imagine what it must be like for IMPORTANT stories!" But there are probably people out there in it who don't think ANYTHING is more important than traffic.)

1 comment:

waarthog said...

When I was IN Iowa (oh the pain), their idea of bad traffic, and widely discussed at one point (I kid you not) was 4 cars backed up at a stop sign.