Friday, February 23, 2007

Angry Kid

This is HIGH-LARIOUS. I gotta admit, I know just how he feels. When I was a kid we were going to be out (OUT - no, seriously OUT) of oil by 1985. I think there was famine and disease in there somewhere. Famine, that was it. Too many people. Everyone starving to death by the 90's. (I weigh 80 pounds MORE than I did in the 90's).

50 years? Are those the projections? Are they really? I head 1,750 today. But ok, 50. Oh, and life will change in "ways you can't imagine". Well, that WOULD describe growing up in the 70's and 80's. Do you have a cell phone, kid? A computer? Heck, you just made a commercial for all of about two bucks, right? "Ways you can't imagine."

Hey (and I always have to ask this) how much plastic and petroleum and energy (CARBON FOOTPRINT is the trendy new term, right?) did it take to get your message out? How much of the planet was killed developing the (really amazing) infrastructure that you depend on to fume at us?

And not to be too unfair about it, but, what are you going to do about it, kid? You sound violent. (Not cute, I know.) Does that mean weaponry? Violent overthrow? And we're all going to be dead, but you won't? We're not all Dick Cheney, kid. I'll be around for a lot if not all of that 50.

You're, what? 10? 15? (It's hard to tell. Nothing bad, I'm just not good at gauging ages sometimes.) Well, YOUR future (not THE future - where we're all going to spend the rest of our lives!) is coming up very very quickly. Of that 50 years? Heck, you can run for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and still have 30 years of fish left. You can certainly find yourself in positions of power and influence in that time. You can certainly find yourself worrying about a job, and how to get to work, and how to feed you and your kids. So make it eco-friendly. And don't you dare depend on anybody who isn't - that just isn't fair. And - most importantly - no private jets! Ever!

Good luck, kid. See you in 50.


Rhino said...

First of all, its not fish, its FFFISHHH!

Secondly, greenpeace must be getting bored. Either that, or they are shifting their focus from "Save the Whales" to "Save the Snot-Nosed Angry Punks".
Here's a hint for you junior. You want to start a revolution? Don't join Greenpeace. Their idea of action is to stand in FRONT of the harpoon.

Aww, Crap! I'm getting old...

koly said...

Is it me or do you get some weird "Vendetta" / IRA terrorist vibe from this annoying little brat?

In 50 years when he sees that his predictions haven't come to fruition, perhaps he'll realize what a jackass he is. Probably not.