Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Christmas Carol

I've been waiting weeks to post this. Yesterday Hugh Hewitt did a segment on A Christmas Carol, it being the anniversary day of the book being published. So here we are.

As I mentioned before, Jim Hill Media is reviewing FORTY versions of A Christmas Carol ever put to film. He recommended this one most highly. And with good reason. It's produced by Chuck Jones! It looks very Victorian, very dingy and dirty. (Now that I think on it, it kind of reminds me of Jones' A Cricket in Times Square - I'll have to search for that...) And this is a GHOST story. Sure, the ghost of Christmas future is scary. That's easy. He looks like death and hangs out in graveyards and shows Scrooge his own death. It's the OTHER ghosts that are so unsettling as well! The GoC Past creeps me out. They include the GoC Presents' legs of Ignorance and Want. And Marley is very much a dead dead fellow. Great stuff. There are much longer versions of A Christmas Carol that have done far far worse.

Here are the highlights:

And here is the whole film. (Still only 30 minutes.)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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