Friday, October 13, 2006

Crazy On Tap!

Wow. I mean: Wow.

My biggest question to these kind of folks? Why are you showing up on TV? Why are you writing books? This is revolution time, isn't it? Break out the guns, Boston Tea Party and all that? I mean, THE GOVERNMENT has just killed THOUSANDS of people. Some of which were just spirited away and executed, if they are to be believed. And you're going to fight them with public opinion? If I was the spooks that did this, I'd be sleeping soundly in my bed, because these guys can't touch me. I can rig elections, I control the media, and I can engineer wars and death within months of coming to power. And my worst foe is going to WRITE A BOOK ABOUT ME.

Orrrrrr, maybe these guys are just cranky little children who have watched too much X-Files.

HT: Koly

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