Monday, October 30, 2006

BSG Monday - Collaborators

Well, that was fun. And nothing blew up this week. There have been great eps of BSG where nothing blew up. This is a really good one where nothing blew up. They would have had a great one, but they just couldn't help leaning on the "The President is rounding up common folk from main street USA and throwing them in Gitmo!" button. Which really hit a sour note. Not that Zarek was doing it. That was note perfect. Or even that Roslin condemned it. Just the more than slightly pretentious speeches that she and Zarek give to each other. Cylons don't get trials. They get airlocks. Laura has never wavered on that policy. Well, not much. I hope that they didn't write Zarek out of the main Colonial political scene for this lame point.

Again, will someone please point out that we don't have enough people to be performing random executions? Please? Get to the moral ramifications eventually, sure, but we're running out of bodies! Someone mention that!

The drama was terrific. The joy of a show where important, recurring characters buy the farm (no, not THE Farm) on an alarmingly regular basis is that when Felix Gaeta is put in a launch tube and is resigned to die, you bleeding well think it's going to happen! Especially since this IS the show that would lay down in Tyrol finding out just MOMENTS AFTERWARDS that Gaeta was the Inside Man, and roll around in it, and not shake it off before it comes in the house!

Speaking of pain, EyeTigh is still doing great work. Putting Ellen's things back in the closet was delicious. I loved that Michael Hogan didn't play him drunk in the CiC. He's not drunk, but he IS pissed. Yes, sober EyeTigh can still get kicked out of the CiC. Still no eye-patch.

I loved how they played Gaeta. New Caprica is still going on for him. He knows it's not ending anytime soon, so a nice cozy airlock doesn't sound so bad. I've always liked Felix. Now he's one of my favorites. Now he needs a haircut.

They're pretty honest about the fact that Kara will NOT be nice about this sort of thing. She will NOT be the good guy. Nice break up scene with Anders. So Kara is free again. Duala-Adama's (ADA) days may be numbered. She may be a Cylon. Kara may be a Cylon. Both of them might be Cylons. Or Lee could be Cylon. (Later this season Fat Lee will be confronted with a dozen naked copies of himself that have his old ripped body - HT: JimS.) Poor Lee.

We still have to wait for Kara to mock Fat Lee. *sigh* Date with a jump rope / Keep jumping was one of my favorite exchanges of the show.

The Gaius Baltar show is getting fun again. Nice Cylon interiors. Not surprisingly, the show makers have watched 2001 and Close Encounters a whole lot. And don't we all love Doug Trumbull?

Six is still interesting when she's with Baltar. Is it my imagination or is Three coming on to him? I mean, eeeeggghhhhh! Men all over the world have long ago resigned themselves to the fact that the worst men get all the women. But Gaius Baltar?!?

No Sharon OR Boomer this week. Nary an Eight to be seen. So Adama may sleep easy still.

Galactica's new Beat to New Caprica look is nice. It's a nice consistency. Colonial One does not look good. The weathering makes it look like a foot long model. We deserve better from the BSG effects crew. Of course these shots are now part of the stock library, so we're probably stuck with them. They must have been thrilled to hear "Sorry guys, our two hero ships have changed. All of our stock footage is no good anymore. Get to work." They probably won't put the Enterprise back in the fleet now. I'm sad.

And of course: They countdown is back! Yay!

1 comment:

Tallguy said...

Yeah, that was a pretty good head fake. Especially since it wouldn't have been the first time that Baltar thought he was talking to the woman in his head and was wrong. Wait, you skip the credits? Then you missed the BBBs! Heh. They made SWIMW say "Ewwwww!" out loud.

There was a population count at the beginning of One Year Later. 39,192. That was the population of New Caprica, minus whoever was still in orbit. So I'd guess that thousands died in the blast, plus however many died the first year on NC under Gaius I. And we don't know how many died in the occupation and the escape.