Monday, July 31, 2006

Not On Our Side

Yep, more Israel. It's like Da Vinci Code with a real life body count.

Before you skip the rant, there's a bet at the end. You can make MONEY.

Yes, there are casualties on both sides. Or so I have been told. If I read the New York Times or Yahoo I have seen no evidence of this. Seriously - points for anyone who sends me a headline about Israeli casualties. Bonus points if it's a headline somewhere. Everyone know that a Hezbollah rocket hit a HOSPITAL this weekend? Did that make the news anywhere? (Other than Jerusalem, of course.)

Here's some more "quiet" news (and yes, this is my impression - if I don't see it as a headline at Yahoo or Google, I say it's being ignored) - A guy walked in to the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and shot six people? KILLED one? Everyone knows that, right? But he's just a nut. Oh, he announced he was a Muslim American (he's from Pakistan) and said he was angry about Israel, but this isn't anti-semitism.

MEL GIBSON on the other hand, THAT'S news! 'Cause we KNEW he hated Jews after that Jews Killed Jesus movie. (Best review I read of The Passion came from the Jerusalem Post. It said "You know what? Most Christians don't CARE *WHO* killed him. Only that he died and rose." Bingo.) Ok, so who DIED because of Mel Gibson? What happened to "If it bleeds, it leads?" Of course if you write bad things about Mel he PROBABLY won't come after YOU, unlike someone who would actually walk into a place with a gun. Whew! Not gonna say a bad thing about HIM. Unless he had a Bible. That would be different.

She Who Is My Wife and I were talking in the car on the way to work. Why is Israel so much the bad guy? I don't care about International Opinion. I'm talking about the United States of America. In our papers. On our television. Please, prove me wrong. Show me a story (again, bonus if it's a headline) that at the very very very least talks about (and gives EXAMPLES of) pain and suffering on the Israeli side. I want to see a CNN reporter riding along with the IDF like the did with Hezbollah last week. I want to see crying Israeli children in the dirt and the rubble. I'll bet you a dollar you don't find one.

I told SWIMW that I was going to name my first heart attack CNN.

1 comment:

Tallguy said...

Are you back to school already? Yikes!

That's part of my point - if it's about Israel it's talked about as a military loss, if it's Lebabnon it's the civilian victims. It's never about Israel's miltary SUCCESS, or Israel's civilian losses.

Of course our press never publishes anything about our own miltary success either.