Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Yeah, yeah, they're still evil

Just because they're useful doesn't mean I want to be anywhere near one.


Kyrie Drake said...

At least they ARE useful. THESE on the other hand are just G R O S S!!


Aaryk actually watched the video...I couldn't.

But hey, it has D&D referneces too! ;)

sthomas said...

That is going to give me nightmares! A game of centipede anyone. Yikes!

As for the scorpians, just keep them away from the blood of Medusa's head. :)

Kyrie Drake said...

Yeah, I was toying with posting it at my blog, but I'm glad Talguy gave me the opening to do so here! ;)

Tallguy said...

I'm not watching it, you can't make me.

Tallguy said...

Someone (Jonah Goldberg) posted the movie over at The Corner. STILL not watching it.

waarthog, the pic was from Google. Of the movie, I know not, 'CAUSE I'M NOT WATCHING IT.