Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Does he still stand for truth? Justice? All that stuff?

Tell me everything.

I want to know it all. Everything.

C'mon, let me here you say it. Just once.
You're insane.
No! Hahahahaha! Not that, no, the other thing!

Your father used to say that you were put here for a reason.

Millions of people will die.

Superman will never-

Look, in the sky, Chief.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
It's -
You wanted to see me?

June 30th, 2006.

Ok, Singer. Don't. Frak. This. Up.

1 comment:

Kyrie Drake said...

and I'm not looking at any < insert appropriate geeky explative here > trailer!

I've managed to not see more than a couple of stills and about the first 10 seconds of the trailer.

I want to know NOTHING until I see it! ;)