Saturday, April 29, 2006


Ok, I'm trying real hard not to just (to just not? How are you supposed to write that? Is Spanish easier? I've already got my signs at Home Depot and the grocerey store, and plenty of billboards...) *cough* Sorry, start again.

Ok, I'm trying real hard not to just quote what I read on The Corner, but this is good. On The Da Vinci (sic) Code:

"People who liked the book will go and people who like Tom Hanks will go and dumb people will think that Jesus got married and others will join Opus Dei to become super secret Catholic ninjas and it will all be Bush's fault anyway."

I want to be a super secret Catholic ninja! (Scott's kind of ninja-like. But he's not secret. How can anything that tall be secret?) Ninjas! They're wacky!


Alicia said...

Heh...still figuring out what Ninjas have to do with the Da Vinci Code...but the comic was hilarious.

So, were you a Ninja Turtles fan?

sthomas said...

I quite often scare my wife by accident when I come home. I apparently am very stealthy. :)

I guess my secret is out. Oh that's right, I am not that secretive.

Kyrie Drake said...

So, were you a Ninja Turtles fan?


Um....That's from the Tick dear. A comic near and dear to many of us! ;)

I too want to be a super secret Catholic ninja! They have the cutest outfits!