Monday, April 16, 2007

More Barry Music

I'm listening to the score of The Lion in Winter. A wodnerful film I saw ten years ago that I actually remember very little of. I remember Peter O'Toole and Katherine Hepburn more as shapes and noises than anything from the film. They were very Herpburn-y and O'Toole-ish. I remember Anthony Hopkins and a nearly teenaged Timothy Dalton a little better. I actually remember Beckett a little better than this. (O'Toole plays the same king in both, right? I should rent that...)

I acquired the score thinking that it would be another big Barry-fest, him doing his best to not be the James Bond guy. His later Bond movies also became him doing his best to not be the James Bond guy - and that became the later Bond sound. I discovered 1) I actually already have snippets of this and 2) it's mostly big ominous latin choral pieces. It's not the long drawn-out Barry sound. It's still good, it's just not that.

I think I need to find more classic Barry. I just don't WANT to get Dances with Wolves. I MAY get the Professional (or the Mechanic, or The Grocer, or some such). I'm not even sure if it's on CD. Terrific score, terrible movie.

If the average quality of movies met the average quality of their scores it would be a much better world, movie-wise. How many great movies have had terrible scores? How many terrible movies have had great scores? I think the ratio is higher on the latter.

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