Friday, January 26, 2007

Frank Miller on the State of America

Frank Miller, writer of the best issues of Daredevil, The Dark Knight Returns, Sin City, and lots of great stuff was on NPR. Here's what he had to say.

HT: Koly


Rhino said...

I think the best part of the whole interview are Neal Conan's responses to Miller. It is almost like he can't believe an artist living in New York could actually be saying the things Frank Miller is saying. "Who the hell is this guy and how did he get on my program? We need anti-Bush rhetoric! Someone get me Cindy Sheehan!" Thanks to Bill and Charles Johnson for posting that audio clip.

Tallguy said...

That was my take as well. He acted like Miller started to cluck like a chicken. Hilarious. (I gather Dennis Miller had gotten similar responses before people "knew" about him.)