Friday, October 06, 2006

The Random Thoughts Blog

It's Friday!

I haven't read any news this week. Last thing I heard was the Foley stuff and the Amish. Now I'm Current Event free. I'm more relaxed than I have been in months! I guess ignorance IS bliss!

Big Thunderstorm right now. In Phoenix that's a big deal. She Who Is My Wife is in a room full of thunder-phobic kindergartners, so good luck, honey!

Saw the latest Bond trailer. Casino Royale. I actually recognized scenes from the book! Is that allowed? (Not to worry: Lots of scenes that Ian Fleming never even dreamed of.)

Of course, the big news is GALACTICA STARTS BACK UP TONIGHT! I haven't watched the first act that Sci-Fi put up on line. I haven't even watched all the webisodes yet. Maybe we'll do that tonight. Then the two hour premier can be a THREE hour premier.

Coffeemate creamers now has rasberry-chocolate. This may be better that Galactica AND Star Trek. No, really. (Ok, just looked on the web site - both the Pumkin Spice AND Gingerbread flavors are available now. I may be drinking WAY too much coffee.)

I got Danny Elfman's first concert piece this week. Serenada Schizophrenia. Quite good. Very Elfman, sure, so you might have a couple of Beetlejuice flashbacks, but a little bigger than his latest film work. I'll put it up there with Nightmare Before Christmas. Bernard Hermann should get co-writing credit as always, but that's ok too.

Still no Scarecrow and Mrs. King on DVD. Just so's y'all know.

Keep flying!

1 comment:

Kyrie Drake said...

Then the two hour premier can be a THREE hour premier.

so....caling you guys tonight just to chat and catch up would probably be a bad idea, huh?

Hope SWIYW survived the 5 year olds!

Man I miss you guys!