Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hang 'em From the Highest Yardarm!

So, how offended do I have to be before this becomes innapropriate, or insensitive? I don't plan on beheading anyone. I'm not going to blow anything up. I don't want to go to a march (where I would threaten to blow something up while beheading someone - heck why just threaten?). I think she should alter the act to include Moses, Buddah, and the show-stopper himself, Mohammed. RATINGS! Like you've never seen! Especially when your studio gets burned to the ground!

But I guess we wacky Christ-folk will do what we do. We'll write angry letters, we'll pray, we'll forgive (workin' on it), and in the more extreme cases around the world (NOT related to has-been singers on TV shows) we'll die. Yeah, like that's gonna get anybody's attention. But it's worked for the last two thousand years. I know, Ms. O'Donnell, we're a scourge.

-- Arrrgh.

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