Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Reuters Photos

Not seeing a lot about this. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, try and find out. That's my point.)

Not a big deal, I'm sure. I mean, the Pope himself has denounced the "massacre" in Qana based on this kind of information. Why should it matter if the footage coming out of Lebanon might be exagerated a smidge? We all know it's terrible. So what if this guy made it hit home a little harder? Just gave it a bit more POP is all. Certainly not worth a headline.

1 comment:

Kyrie Drake said...

I think this one is finally starting to sink in to the MSM.

RIGHTWINGSPARKLE has a round up of some of the blogger appearances on the news on this one.

Now, I don't watch TV, but hopefully you're hearing more and more about it at this point.